Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shirley Temples

I'm almost goin' to Kindergarten. Sarah thinks that's crazy. I wonder what my dad's gonna do when I go to Kindergarten. My grandma is makin' a hat for my mom. My mom HATES pink blanky. I say cashalator funny. I want to tell a story. One day, there was a little girl named Shirley Temples and she went on a walk. She saw a racoon and she decided to bring it home and she also find a pig for her sister. And then a large snake came. It had one eye. Shirley Temples ran all the way back home. And then Shirley Temples said, "Here you go sister; here's a pig I found for you."


unicornjuggalo said...

1 day i ate poop, it was gross. It smelled like peanuts. I like peanuts but not poo-nuts

FairyGirl said...

Did you eat poop in real life? Did you get poop from Ember?

unicornjuggalo said...

in real life i didnt. embers poop is big. she poops bigger than roxy but not bigger than denver