Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pippi Longstocking Blog

I stopped eating meat right now because it kills animals. Dylan kills deer. You know what, Dylan and my dad have the same shirt. I had a bad dream when I was sleeping at my dad's house.
Here's a story. Its name is "The Little Miss Muffet Girl." Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was named Little Muffin Girl. She went inside to eat a muffet and then she went down a hill with her muffin. Then her muffin spilled. Then she went back home and got a new muffet. The End.
We went and saw the dogs today and we loved one. His name is Pinger.
I got new boots. And I love them. They're pink.

1 comment:

unicornjuggalo said...

muffins are good bagels are better